Sun positioner

Use this site to get the current sun position in the sky for desired location

Input required data

To calculate the position of the sun on the sky of your location, three input parameters are required.

Current time at your location:

"Find location" works only over https.


Resulting page will give you the position of the sun in the sky at the location you provide at the time you provided.

There will be two parameters in the output.

  • Azimuth
    • Tells the horisontal deflection of the Sun from North in degrees. Should be between 90-0 degrees(east-south) and 360-270 degrees(south-west)
  • Altitude
    • Tells the vertical deflection of the Sun from the horizon in degrees. Should be between 0 degrees (horizon-sunrise/sunset) and 90 degrees (maximum noon on longest day in year)
    • If it is negative, it's getting dark at your spot. You can rest the solar panel ;)

The output is Json formatted, E.G. {"Altitude":8.96352405125433,"Azimuth":113.90129899802916}.

You can use the output generator page directly, without using this form, by adjusting the GET parameters in the following format example

You can use the SSL version, which will provide encryption of data, or the regular plain http.

( 14:06:04).

Also the actual source code for the positioning function is below, so you can study how it works.

That's it, good luck! :)

using System;
namespace Sun
    public class SunLocation
        public SunLocation()
            Altitude = Azimuth = 0;
        /// Deflection of the Sun from the horizon in degrees. Should be between 0 degrees (horizon-sunrise/sunset) and 90 degrees (maximum noon on longest day in year)
        public double Altitude { get; set; }
        /// Deflection of the Sun from North in degrees. Should be between 0-90 degrees(east-south) and 360-270 degrees(south-west)
        public double Azimuth { get; set; }
        public override string ToString()
            return Altitude + ":" + Azimuth;
    public static class SunPositioner
        private const double Deg2Rad = Math.PI / 180.0;
        private const double Rad2Deg = 180.0 / Math.PI;

         * \brief Calculates the sun light. 
         * CalcSunPosition calculates the suns "position" based on a 
         * given date and time in local time, latitude and longitude 
         * expressed in decimal degrees. It is based on the method 
         * found here: 
         * The calculation is only satisfiably correct for dates in 
         * the range March 1 1900 to February 28 2100. 
         * \param dateTime Time and date in local time. 
         * \param latitude Latitude expressed in decimal degrees. 
         * \param longitude Longitude expressed in decimal degrees. 
        public static SunLocation CalculateSunPosition(
            DateTime dateTime, double latitude, double longitude)
            // Convert to UTC  
            dateTime = dateTime.ToUniversalTime();

            // Number of days from J2000.0.  
            double julianDate = 367 * dateTime.Year -
                (int)((7.0 / 4.0) * (dateTime.Year +
                (int)((dateTime.Month + 9.0) / 12.0))) +
                (int)((275.0 * dateTime.Month) / 9.0) +
                dateTime.Day - 730531.5;

            double julianCenturies = julianDate / 36525.0;

            // Sidereal Time  
            double siderealTimeHours = 6.6974 + 2400.0513 * julianCenturies;

            double siderealTimeUT = siderealTimeHours +
                (366.2422 / 365.2422) * (double)dateTime.TimeOfDay.TotalHours;

            double siderealTime = siderealTimeUT * 15 + longitude;

            // Refine to number of days (fractional) to specific time.  
            julianDate += (double)dateTime.TimeOfDay.TotalHours / 24.0;
            julianCenturies = julianDate / 36525.0;

            // Solar Coordinates  
            double meanLongitude = CorrectAngle(Deg2Rad *
                (280.466 + 36000.77 * julianCenturies));

            double meanAnomaly = CorrectAngle(Deg2Rad *
                (357.529 + 35999.05 * julianCenturies));

            double equationOfCenter = Deg2Rad * ((1.915 - 0.005 * julianCenturies) *
                Math.Sin(meanAnomaly) + 0.02 * Math.Sin(2 * meanAnomaly));

            double elipticalLongitude =
                CorrectAngle(meanLongitude + equationOfCenter);

            double obliquity = (23.439 - 0.013 * julianCenturies) * Deg2Rad;

            // Right Ascension  
            double rightAscension = Math.Atan2(
                Math.Cos(obliquity) * Math.Sin(elipticalLongitude),

            double declination = Math.Asin(
                Math.Sin(rightAscension) * Math.Sin(obliquity));

            // Horizontal Coordinates  
            double hourAngle = CorrectAngle(siderealTime * Deg2Rad) - rightAscension;

            if (hourAngle > Math.PI)
                hourAngle -= 2 * Math.PI;

            double altitude = Math.Asin(Math.Sin(latitude * Deg2Rad) *
                Math.Sin(declination) + Math.Cos(latitude * Deg2Rad) *
                Math.Cos(declination) * Math.Cos(hourAngle));

            // Nominator and denominator for calculating Azimuth  
            // angle. Needed to test which quadrant the angle is in.  
            double aziNom = -Math.Sin(hourAngle);
            double aziDenom =
                Math.Tan(declination) * Math.Cos(latitude * Deg2Rad) -
                Math.Sin(latitude * Deg2Rad) * Math.Cos(hourAngle);

            double azimuth = Math.Atan(aziNom / aziDenom);

            if (aziDenom < 0) // In 2nd or 3rd quadrant  
                azimuth += Math.PI;
            else if (aziNom < 0) // In 4th quadrant  
                azimuth += 2 * Math.PI;

            // Altitude  
            Console.WriteLine("Altitude: " + altitude * Rad2Deg);

            // Azimut  
            Console.WriteLine("Azimuth: " + azimuth * Rad2Deg);
            return new SunLocation() { Azimuth = azimuth * Rad2Deg, Altitude = altitude * Rad2Deg };

        * \brief Corrects an angle. 
        * \param angleInRadians An angle expressed in radians. 
        * \return An angle in the range 0 to 2*PI. 
        private static double CorrectAngle(double angleInRadians)
            if (angleInRadians < 0)
                return 2 * Math.PI - (Math.Abs(angleInRadians) % (2 * Math.PI));
            else if (angleInRadians > 2 * Math.PI)
                return angleInRadians % (2 * Math.PI);
                return angleInRadians;